keeping rodents out of the house

As far as rodent are concerned to keeping  them out of the home is always best and the best defense is a good offense. Autum and winter time are the main months  for rodents trying to make their way into warm houses  but rodents are very opportunistic and will find there way in if we give them the chance so it's never too early to start a little rodent proofing, Not only can rats and mice they gnaw through walls and boxes in your kitchen but rodents can cause serious damage to your home. Particularly, they can gnaw on wires, which can lead to house fires. "And they carry an array of diseases .Mouse droppings are  dark in color and are about the size of a grain of rice,or smalker  about a quarter inch long. Rat droppings are larger about the size of a baked bean  similar in  color about half an inch in length.
Signs of dropping are a definitive  sign that you have rats or mice, but dropping are not the only sign to look out for . Other evidence might not always be scattered along your  floor or kitchen top. Another sign could be food  boxes in your cupboards have been opened by the rodents You may also see damage on your shelf or gnaw marks on boxes or bags of food and storage containers . You may also smell an odour or see greasy smear marks along skirting boards or inside cupboards. 
 If you see one mouse or rat , you will ultimately have more than one. Rodents are  looking for the same things that we as humans are looking for food, water, and shelter and find that in abundance in our homes .When you get one,rodent  others will follow there trail . Plus, they breed very quickly.rat and mice give birth on average every three weeks . At sykes pest control  We've seen all kind of DIY repellent ideas (including bleach peppermint oil  lemon juice  moth balls and cayenne pepper), but you may want to skip the old wives tails  "There's no evidence behind any of these home remedies  and again, rodents are so used to living with humans, those smells associated with us ar certainly no deterrent .
So how do we get rid of these pests Here's what you need to do.
Try to locate there entry points Before you put down any traps or baits try a little detective work. Find out where they're coming from because laying traps  all over your floor isn't going to do you any good locate where they're living and and find there regular runs  Once you've found those places, set your traps around those areas.. or you could call on the skills of a professional pest controller  and we can use our skills and do al this for you as professional pest controllers we are  able to determine exactly where to put the traps/baits  and how much you'll need to get the best most effective results .
Once you have the infestation under controlits time to look at the proofing to make sure no additional rats ior mice can find their way in. Mice can squeeze  through an opening the size of a pencil And rats they can fit through a hole the size of a nans wedding ring  but Even if a hole doesn't start out large enough the rodents will gnaw their way to make it larger. Rodents can't eat through steel wool fill all the entry points packing the steel wool in tight pay close attention to where pipes enter the house  Be sure to replace any old beading  and make sure you've screened the vents and point up any holes if all this is too much call in a professional pest controller


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